How much does it cost to develop a Dating app like Tinder, Hinge or Bumble?

11 min readJun 17, 2021


Here we will discuss Dating apps, the popularity of dating apps, why many of the startups, and entrepreneurs are investing in dating apps.

Dating App

Dating apps are getting highly popular in this digital era. Like all the other services, people find it quite easy to access the dating apps for finding new friends, finding people for casual relationship and also finding people for hookups.

Nowadays, we have hundreds of Dating app solution available in the market with different functionality. Like we have dating apps based on geolocation, different matching algorithm, different niches dating apps and more.

But if we talk about the users or people then they are still looking for better options. You can take the advantages and plan to launch a Successful and Unique Dating app solution in the market.

Are you thinking of making an investment in the Dating app solution?

If yes then before diving deep into the Dating apps development details, let's have a look at some of the Statistics and Market analysis:-

The Global Dating Apps market is likely to earn more than 9 billion dollars by 2024 at a CAGR of approximately 6–6.5% with the annual profit steadily rising with every passing year.

Let me list down some of the past statistics, so you probably get the ideas about the popularity of the Dating app:-

⦿ In 2015, more than 1.7 billion is generated.

⦿ In 2016, more than 1.8 billion is generated.

⦿ In 2017, more than 2 billion is generated.

⦿ In 2018, more than 2.3 billion is generated.

⦿ In 2019, more than 2.5 billion is generated.

⦿ In 2020, more than 3.1 billion is generated.

You might get ideas about the popularity and demands of the dating app solution. So if you are thinking of investing in a Dating app solution then this is the right time to take a step forward.

The main target of any dating app solution is the audience. So before planning to launch a Dating app solution, you need to know what users are expecting from the dating apps.

What users are expecting from a Dating app?

The main reason behind the dating app's popularity is that you can interact or screen people without meeting or go out with them. And for women, Safety is the highest priority expectation, so they find it convenient to begin a relationship with a Dating app.

Other than this, users also consider the value of the application. Your dating mobile app development has to be a simple and valuable solution to the user problems. Adding up some features like geo-location integration, features swipe features or options, chat or Call integration, better user navigation, and more.

Some people find it difficult to find a partner in a real-life group of people who has a common interest like Work, hobbies and more. And during quarantine, it is experience upsurges in dating app users.

So before planning to launch a Proper Dating app solution in the market, you need to understand your target audience and then list down all the features they are looking into in a dating app.

What are the most important steps to follow for launching a successful Dating app?

Are you a newbie when it comes to launching an online platform?

If yes then it is not going to be a problem after reading this blog. To launch Mobile app services for any business including dating app needs proper planning like researching, completing analysing, preparing and finalizing the ideas.

Let me list down all the stages you need to go through after finalizing your Dating App ideas:-

► Find your niche:- Finding a niche is considered the first step of initiating a dating app. As we know, we have hundreds of dating app based on different niches available in the market. But you can still have an opportunity to brainstorm and stand out differently in the market.

Let me list done some of the ideas of the niches for a dating app that is highly popular in the market:-

  • Career focus people.
  • People match based on their food preferences.
  • People matched based on the same lifestyle preference.
  • Dating app for pets owners.

and more.

► Finalize the Business Model:- After finalizing the niche of the dating app it's time to finalize the Business model of your dating app. The business model plays a vital role in the revenue-generating and success of Dating apps.

You can either go for the Premium Business Model and Freemium Business Model based on your interest.

► Choose the proper Name:- After finalizing the business model of the dating app, it's time to choose the name which represents the concept of your dating app solution in a much better way.

► Decide the Matching Algorithm:- As a Dating app owner, you need to decide the Matching Algorithm of your Dating app based on which user can easily connect with the other users based on particular platforms.

► Finalize the features:- Now it's time for you to make an important list of the feature. Features play an important role in the success of your dating app. The more advanced features you add into your Dating app solution, there are more chances of increasing the userbase.

In the below section, we are going to discuss the must-have features of a dating app.

► Hire a Dating app development company:- After finalizing everything, it's time for you to search for the best dating app development company. This Step is very important as well as time-consuming because you have to search for an experienced and expertise team of people, who can provide you with the best dating apps at the best rates,

Before hiring a Dating app development company, it is very important for you to completely check their background like checking portfolios, look at their client testimonials, ask them about the costing along with hidden costing, ask the timeline and after verifying everything then you can decide to hire the Dating app development services.

► Plan to Launch a Beta Version:- Many of the service providers first try to launch the beta version of the mobile app and try to take surveys. After analysing the survey, they improve the Mobile app designing and then launch the final project in the market.

Similar kind of methods can also be used to the Dating mobile app solution, so you can launch a Beta version and after making surveys as well as making necessary updates, launch the final app into the market.

► Work for the proper marketing strategy:- Many business owners launch a perfect app solution in the market but forget to plan a strong marketing strategy to build online as well as offline brand awareness in the market.

► Keep Maintaining Your Mobile app from time to time:- It is not worth launching a successful app and then forget to make the changes and update the features as per the requirements. Time by time you have to keep maintaining as well as updating some of the features and functionality to keep your dating mobile app alive in the market.

► Take note of your customers feedback and try to improve:- After launching any app in the market, this is the most common mistakes done by various app owners they forget to check the customer's feedback. And this can result in the successes rate of a mobile app including the dating app solution.

What is the must-have feature list of a Dating app?

Before planning to launch a dating app solution in the market, you need to know the key feature list of a dating app.

The success of dating apps is highly dependent on their features and functionality. The more you add unique or attractive features, the rate of success increased drastically in the market.

You need to analyse the competition as well as the market before designing your dating app solution. Let me list down some of the basic features lists of a dating app solution:-

User Panel

✲ User Login panel

✲ Forget password options.

✲ User profile management.

✲ Add or edit the information.

✲ Location integration.

✲ Search options with filters.

✲ Check the profile of the other users based on their preference.

✲ Swiping options.

✲ Match profile options.

✲ Chat integration.

✲ Call or Video call integration.

✲ Like, love or reject option.

✲ Block and unblock option.

✲ Push Notification.

✲ Super Like options.

✲ Profile recommendation.

✲ Premium feature option.

✲ Rewind the last swipe option.

✲ No ads option.

✲ Control on your profile view.

✲ Security options.

✲ Send and Accept interest requests.

✲ Respond and Decline interests.

✲ Reward points/Loyalty Bonus/discounts for referring friends.

✲ Feedback option.

Admin Panel

✲ Admin login panel.

✲ Dashboard management.

✲ User profile management.

✲ Verify Customer profile.

✲ Partnership and Affiliate program.

✲ Manage marketing.

✲ Manage promotions or discounts.

✲ Payment option integration.

✲ View reporting and analytics.

✲ Push notification.

✲ Revenue generation and management.

✲ Feedback management.

✲ Data management.

✲ Reward and referral code management.

You can also add up some more features to your dating app solution which will make it stand out differently in the market. You can also launch a Dating app with E-commerce, a Dating app with event management, a Dating app with Networking and many more.

What are some of the best way of increasing engagement in the Dating app?

If you already own a dating app solution for your business, you need to know some tricks to increase engagement in the dating app.

Nowadays, there are hundreds and thousands of dating app solution in the market, so it is competitive as well as sometimes difficult for business owners to keep the engagement of the current users and to drag the attention of the new users towards the platforms.

Here in this section, we are going to discuss some of the important tricks of increasing engagement toward the dating app:-

  1. Keep the Dating app solution more simple and easy to navigate. Complex designing may lead to difficulty for the user to access the functionality easily.
  2. Ensure the security and privacy of the users.

3. Add up live chat modules to directly connect with the team to get the solutions.

4. Keep the matching algorithm concise.

5. Add advanced features into your dating apps, so users can find more relevant matches in a set of filters.

6. Add up some of the features related to small games which help in engaging the customers and increasing the user base.

7. Keep updating the user interface as per the requirements.

8. Offer personalization content to the users.

9. Collect the feedback of the users and improve accordingly.

10. Analyze and cut off the features which users are not using or find engaging.

Above mentioned are some of the best methods which can help you to increase the engagement of the users towards your dating app.

What are some of the best monetizing methods of a Dating app?

Do you know if you are launching online platforms like dating app solution and monetize them's then you can generate a high amount of revenue conveniently?

So it is going to be highly beneficial for you to launch a dating app in the market with the best features and functionality. A successful dating app can have a high number of users which leads to generating a high amount of revenue from the dating app solution.

Let me list down some of the best points of monetizing a dating app solution in the market:-

💰 Affiliate marketing or Paid ads:- This is one of the best methods of making money. If you have a lot of website traffic or you are attracting a new number of users then you can absolutely go for affiliate marketing for making extra money.

💰 Plan to offer the Premium or subscription plans: Many business owners, including the dating apps owners, use this common monetization strategy. By this methods, user can easily access some of the advanced features or also buy the subscription fee.

Add up some of the premium features like Undo swipes, rewind profile, unlimited likes options, Remove ads and Super likes options.

💰 In-app Purchase options:- Almost every dating apps provide some of the options which users buy for enhancing or improving their user experience.

If we talk about an example then a dating app PlentyOfFish from which user can buy the Goldfish credit by which user can send virtual gifts to their connection. You can also add up some of the features which attract users to buy and enhance their experience.

💰 Add Surveys:- You can easily monetise your dating app by adding rewarded surveys and videos. This method can work if you add up some of the best rewards for the users for watching small videos or doing small surveys.

💰 Promotion of the sponsored posts:- You can collaborate as well as allow some of the services to sell products that are relevant to your services as well.

💰 SMS Marketing options:- By collecting data from the users through forms or any other methods, you can start an SMS marketing options. This will help you increase the number of users which directly help in increasing the revenue.

Now you might be thinking about the cost that how much does it cost to launch a Successful as well as Unique dating app? Don’t Worry, without taking much time let's discuss the cost as well as the timeline.

How much does it cost to develop a Successful and Unique dating app?

If we talk about the cost of developing a Successful and Unique dating app solution then it is dependent on various factors. Before discussing the cost of the Dating app development, you need to know the factors:-

⁃ Features list.

⁃ The functionality of the app.

⁃ Designing or the layout of the app.

⁃ The Technology platforms of the app.

⁃ Developer Experience.

and more.

So it is very important to know the requirements then provide the exact costing of a Dating app solution.

For Reference, let me provide the approximate cost and timeline of developing a Successful and Unique dating app in the market:

The approximate timeline of unique dating apps is 500–600 working hours.And the approximate cost of developing a unique dating app is 3500 USD-6000USD.This charge also includes:-

  • Android App Designing & Development
  • IOS App Design & Development
  • Backend Design & Development
  • API creation & integration
  • Testing, Bug fixing & Deployment
  • 3 Months Maintenance support

Are you planning to lauch a Successful dating app solution in the market?

Feel free to connect with me and get a free quote.




Business Development Executive And Content Writer at The App Ideas